jueves, 26 de enero de 2012

About the beauty.

The discussion about the beauty is a large discussion thought the years. Philosophers like Aristotle’s and Platon think about the beauty. This was a one of the first conceptions about the beauty (and ugly) made and forms the base to the Aesthetics discipline. The Aesthetics is the discipline dedicate to discuss about the perceptions, and therefore about the beauty and the ugly. Many philosophers dedicated part of his work to the discussion. One of the most important is the conception of beauty of Kant. Immanuel Kant, a German philosopher of the XVIII Century in his book “Critique of judgment”: works about the conception of beauty "To discern whether something is beautiful or not, we refer the representation, not understanding the object in view of knowledge, but by the imagination (perhaps coupled with understanding) the subject and the feeling of pleasure or displeasure experienced by it." says Kant.
But ¿What is Beauty actually? The idea of Kant about this maybe helps us to make some answer, but not necessary is a complete answer. The idea of beauty changes with time, in the present this idea is determinate for the mass culture and the economics politics. One example for that is the publicity that takes and enforces the standards of beauty.

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