viernes, 29 de abril de 2011

Video Games Consoles

The topic of this post is about the Video Games consoles. Is very important part of my life. When I five years have mi first video game system: The Super Nintendo. The super Nintendo was a Christmas gift and this changes my life, because this system introduces me to the video game world. I start collecting a lot of games to this system like Super Mario World, Street Fighter, Donkey Kong Country, Super Star soccer, etc…This video game system was very popular in Chile and I meet many friends with similar likes. The second console was the PlayStation. PlayStation (PSX) is a Sony video game system very popular cause was very revolutionary with the CD-rom game. The Cd rom system with the time replacement the cartridges system of the Nintendo and Sega consoles, because are more accessible for his price. In this console I played the most important games of my life, like Final Fantasy VI, Final Fantasy VII, Chrono Cross, Resident Evil I, II, III, Metal Gear Solid, Tenchu, and much more. The “illegal” backups of the PlayStation Games make of this console one of most popular video system of the all times.

The third console was the Playstation 2. With better graphics against of the first PSX, this console is the most popular console of all times. Some of the first PSX, the illegal backups helps to makes this console the winning of the “war consoles” against the Nintendo console system: The  Nintendo Game Cube.

This piece of technology is important for me because teach many things like tongues, illustration, music in a difefferent way; a "didactic" way makes the person who i am.

viernes, 8 de abril de 2011

Charles Baudelaire

Charles Baudelaire was a French poet, translater and critic of art. He was born on Paris in 1821. Their parent was Joseph François Baudelaire and Caroline Archimbaut-Dufays. He was educated on Lyon, in the Collège Royal de Lyon. Later he studied Laws. In this time he starts to relationship with the youngest poets of the “Barrio Latino” in Paris. Also, this marks the beginning of the bohemian life. Cause this; Charles Baudelaire was considerate like a “Damned poet”. He dies on 1867 by Syphilis.
His work is very important to the literature. Is considerate by experts and readers, like a one of the most importants writers of the XIX Century. One of the most importants works was Les Fleurs du mal, a poem book publicated in the 1857, selling 1.300 examples in his first publication. Is considerate the best work of this author like a poet. Their work on arts magazines is very important too. He writes to different publication like a critic of art, almost writing to the “salons”. Another of his important works was the translate of the Edgar Allan Poe`s work. Charles Baudelaire was very influenced by the American Poet and feel admiration for this.

viernes, 1 de abril de 2011

Grunge music

One of the styles that more I like is the grunge music. The grunge is alternative music style born on the United States, more specifically in the city of Seattle in the 80’s. Is mixture of different styles like the Heavy Metal music, punk, rock, etc… The first bands of the grunge music made apparition in the middles of the 80’s in the city of Seattle on the different bars and places dedicated to the presentation of this bands. One characteristic of the grunge is his sound, which is different of the regular rock. The Guitars in the grunge are modificated to make a sound more “sad”. The topics of the themes are different too. This are about pain, suffering, love problems, something like that…
  One of the first grunge bands was Mother Love Bone, very important in the expansion of the grunge in the area of Seattle. After of the dead of his vocalist, the guitarist and the drummer form one of the bands more important in the history of the alternative music: Pearl Jam. Another referent of the grunge music is Mud Honey. Born in the 80’s Mud Honey was an important influence in the bands that was made apparition in the 90’s. The “boom” of the Grunge music was in the 90’s whit the apparition of the album Smell like teen spirits by Nirvana.